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Chat with GPT, privately!

AI chat app that harnesses the power of GPT technology!

Engage in interactive conversations with a highly intelligent AI model to get personalised answers, explore new ideas, and experience the future of communication right at your fingertips.

AKME has 2 usage models:

🔑 Bring Your Own Key (BYOK)

You have an OpenAI account and your own API Key?
Enter it in the app and you're good to go!

🎟 Buy In-App Tokens

No account? No API Key? No problem!
Buy in-app tokens and start chatting.

🙈 Private!

We don't collect any user data and all prompts are sent to the OpenAI API. This means that with AKME:
- submitted prompts will not be used to train or improve GPT models;
- prompts will be stored for a maximum of 30 days, for abuse and misuse monitoring.
Read the OpenAI API data usage policies 

❗️ Please don't share any private data in your prompts. 

💬 Threads

AKME uses threads - conversations on a topic - to group chats.

  • with each new prompt (message) you send in a thread, the history is also attached, to maintain context;
  • you can copy part of, or complete message, and threads are saved automatically and can be easily exported (as text files);
  • existing threads will remain accessible, independent of the usage model or token balance.

⚠️ While context is useful, if the message history is too long or the topic changed, simply start a new thread to avoid spending extra tokens.

⚙️ Adjustable Parameters

  • in BYOK mode, the app checks what models are accessible based on your API key and you can change the GPT model used;
  • parameters like temperature, frequency penalty and max tokens (and more) can be adjusted for all new threads or "per-thread", giving you more fine-grained control over the output;
  • made a mistake? Simply reset the parameters to the default values.

💡 Suggestions

  • not sure what to ask? AKME provides you with a list of interesting prompts to get your conversation started.